The is Lacy Lane Midnight Tuck Everlasting is available to a new forever home. He is a darling 2 year old neutered male. He is a blue. He has had gastro-pexi to prevent bloat/twist. He is fully health tested with good results, OFA excellent hips, eyes, cardiac, elbows, has his OFA chic certification. He also has embark full testing with clear results. He is a playful, fun, energetic boy. House trained, crate trained since 6 weeks old, likes car rides, good on leash, easy to groom. contact us for more information 435-654-4188 Melanie
Above are the bottom of the feet of Turquoise and purple female puppies. We look at the bottom of the feet to determine what color they might be when they are an adult They will either be blue or silver. It will be fun to see!
Whisper and Roman puppies whelped on Tuesday June 11 2024. Both Whisper and Roman are health tested with good results. There are two female and three male. tails and dew claws are removed.
Above is Turquoise collar female She whelped first at 12:01 am weighing 10.2 onces.
Above is Orange collar male. He whelped third at 12:35 am weighing 10.1 onces
Above is Red collar male. He whelped fourth at 1:10 am Weighing 11.2 oz
Litter at one week old All over one pound. Turq: 1.55 lbs, Orange : 1.85 lbs,
Red: 1.82lbs, Green: 1.45 lbs, Purple: 1.49 lbs.
Purple collar at 6 weeks old
Above is green collar male. He whelped fifth at 4:10 am weighing 11.2 onces
Above is Purple collar female She whelped sixth at 5:50 am weighing 10.5 oz
We are very sad. Our cream puppy whelped second at 12:10 am weighing 8.9 oz passed away Wednesday morning at 5am. We supplimented him and gave him oxygen but he didn't make it. Whisper would cuddle him while he was on the heating pad.
Happy Content puppies!
Red Collar male at 6 weeks old